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Frequently Asked Questions

How should I prepare for my treatment?

During your Panchakarma consultation you will be guided with dietary and lifestyle recommendations to start a week prior to your Panchakarma program.
These are general guidelines that help you to get the most benefits of Panchakarma.

What will my diet be?

Ayurveda recommends vegetarian diet for spiritual purposes and to reduce harm done to the planet. Especially during the Panchakarma time, one needs to follow a strict vegetarian diet to allow the system to rest and limit eating any high protein diet that can cause overload to the GI system. A customized diet plan will be provided during your Panchakarma consultation.

How should I plan my schedule?

It is best to take a week off from work to enjoy the relaxing therapies and give yourself some time to unwind and contemplate. However, it is not necessary. Your appointments at the center are three-hour long. In order to fit those in the daytime, please adjust your working schedule ahead of time.

Our office hours are Monday through Friday 9 am- 5 pm and Saturday 9am to 4 pm.

Day at home:

We encourage you to spend some time with yourself and nature. Taking some time off from social media, limiting conversations, and if possible, no television and internet surfing. This can be a huge shift in reducing stress. Taking some time for leisurely walks in nature (avoid excess sunlight), contemplating, and meditating.

Winter Panchakarma - $2300

We are offering a special price reduction of $200 for the month of  January and February 2024.

Sign up today!


5 day panchakarma.

Total Discount: $200

Total Cost: $2100

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